ILL Digitization Scan-in Procedure on ALMA
In ALMA, change location to Digitization
Scan in barcode of book or the Request ID
Once the request shows up, click on Manage In-Process Items
The request will now be in the Digitization queue and will be ready to upload and send after scanning.
If the message “Transit for Reshelving” appears, change the location to either Rivera or Orbach, depending on which library the book/journal is from.
Next, scan the barcode of the book.
A blue box will appear on the right side of the screen. Click on the ellipses beside it and then put a check mark in the square box with the title information. This will attach the record.
Change location back to Digitization and scan in again.
Click on “Manage-in process items” to put the record into the queue to upload and send.